Post It?

Letters are like pictures but only better. A photograph captures a moment, while a letter is simply a bouquet of different moments, incidents, and feelings, like different versions of you, safely wrapped in an old leaf. It’s like a platter of ice creams with all your favorite flavors and sometimes even the flavors you don’t prefer. Oh! I should have been a tad bit clear; here, I refer to letters that you write simply for fun, to your Annu, Amma, Akka, friends, maybe to yourself, or just some open letters. Some get sent as emails, some as actual physical letters, while most are still saved in your drafts. (maybe all this is just me, anyway.) 

If you know me, you already might know that I like writing letters; likely, you may even have received one! I write long emails updating about what’s happening with me to even my parents because they sometimes are so busy for a call, and I have many vishayas to tell! But mostly because I feel letters are a much better way of giving an entire story. 

Here’s why –

  1. When you are having a conversation, it usually gets diverted depending on the answer given by the other. But in a letter, you have the entire stage, full limelight, and undivided attention of your audience. 
  2. Letters often are not based on real-time, so you have the total freedom of enjoying the event by fully being present and then re-live it while you describe it to your intended audience. And it’s not a given that the person will receive the letter right away or that they will give it a read and reply in a jiff, which means, by the time you receive a reply, you might even have forgotten about the letter altogether! 
  3.  You also get enough time and chances at trial and error; you can translate your thoughts into sentences that have a high resemblance to your thought. You can choose the tone and the words. Basically, you control what to tell, how to tell, and how much to tell! 

Other than these, it improves your language, imagination, understanding, and, most importantly, patience. So, yeah, Letters are simply awesome! Oh no, I don’t have a problem with telephone, text messages, emails, WhatsApp, social media, and recent advances because they are very much a part of our everyday lives now and necessary. I do not deny their power and need at any cost. They do make life easy. But I would like to bring to your notice that letters have an old-school charm, something royal and the most personal touch. 

Now that I think of it, I have always been a fan of the Indian Railways and The Indian Postal service. They connect the most rural parts of our country. It gives me so much joy to receive or send a letter that will travel through so many states, cities, villages, by air, by rail, by road, in train, in van, in ship, bus, and cycles to finally reach the destination – doesn’t it make you feel special, like some important being?! To me, it does. 

In a world where we are running to save time while ending up wasting all the time that we manage to save, I think letters take us back to a time where we can feel like that old self who wrote it/received it, at least for a short while and that brings me joy! Letters are not like a time machine because they are a present that reaches someone in the future carrying a past. In short, Letters are simply the best, and we should bring them back. 

Would you be willing to post something? 

Pinned it for later.

Someone has put a pin on it

Has it really been that long ?!
Today, a person asked me if I stopped writing my blog, though I was shocked and thinking, ‘wait, you read my blog?’ I played it cool. I couldn’t believe that in a new city, a not so familiar face asked me about my blog! As happy as that made me, it got me thinking, thinking about why haven’t I written in so long?! Well, obviously there’s so much happening, so many new observations, so many new rants and just soo much vishaya I have pinned in my head saying I should write about it! In Fact there are so many drafts in my head but the only draft that is getting typed on word is a review paper. More like dying to make it to the deadlines, get it ? Haha

Sitting by the lake, with the company of mosquitos, light breeze, distant lights, random playlist playing in my ears – I’m smiling like a fool maybe because I realized that I write because the whole feel of observing, thinking, framing words and typing is an experience! (Blog is just a byproduct:p) Maybe writing is my way of processing, coping, remembering or just feeling!
Yeah, I’ve been a bit busy but I’ve had so many moments that I’ve written about in my head, someday, they might make it to my this little blog, who knows ?!
For now, I’ve decided to take some time to write. My busier brain = lots of content, some objective, some subjective and hopefully some fresh and creative!

Did I just write about writing ? Haha that’s how long it’s been.

I should write about it!
I’ll write about it.

So, what have you put a pin on ?

Until next time,

Na Tum Jano Na Hum

What if I were to tell you that, If you have an idea that you truly believe in, something that might or might not be your dream, only purpose of your life, something that makes you look at the bigger picture, gets you going every morning and you actually start working towards making it happen, invest your energy and put your efforts then, eventually things fall into place! Trust me, when you don’t know how to proceed, there will be a hint that’ll show you the way, if you feel you’re at the end of the road, suddenly someone new related to what you’re doing will help you look at it from a new perspective, If your intention is good, you’re ought to get lucky!
No, I wasn’t really referring to the AI which sneaks on you and recommends you what you should buy or watch. In a sense it is true, you search about your idea on google and find someone who’s working on it on linkedin, you read more about it in so many websites, see a whole different perspective on the social media site, though you know it is the artificial intelligence, the social dilemma that’s behind it, if you believe, it feels no less than a mysterious magic!
My point is, If you consider this whole universe as a vast bundle of energy with different nodes and strings, actually believing in your Idea, no matter how small, putting your heart and soul into it has ought to make a shift in the energy and the dots will connect on it’s own!
You might have read it from ‘The Alchemist’ or heard it from King Sharukh Khan, If you choose to believe, it truly is no less than a magic, the Universe will definitely help you in making it happen!
So, is AI inspired by the Universe or is Universe nothing but just a giant powerful network?!
Gonna think about it in the shower, aren’t you?