A maze of dreams .


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I woke up with a jerk, ahh! It indeed was a scary dream, sitting on my bed on a cold night I started thinking .. Maybe this is just a dream, my birth, past 18 years, school, exams, grades, family, friends I have made, the memories, the adventures, fights, accidents and incidents everything is a dream. Nope, not only me in fact all of us are living our dream! We might have been in the dream which is a part of a daydream that’s in another dream inside a dream in the dream that we are now living !

What if life is just an illusion or a delusion in this world of dreams and when we die, not in one of our many dreams but in the dream that we are actually living, then our life would begin. The real one which might be a replica of our dreams and since we have lived it virtually we would know when not to make mistakes and how to live ! And depending on our quotient of good happy dreams and nightmares we would be in two parallel worlds which they call heaven and hell ! Death might not be the end, maybe it’s the beginning of our actual real life and end of the dream that we were living till then !
I might have thought about all these in a dream and written it down in some other and you would be reading this in some other dream of yours ! Dream it is, feels like a lifetime but maybe it’s just a matter of some seconds !

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